The first event of the month was the Chocolate and Wine Pairing Seminar at Let's Talk Wine. I am so glad we had a few trial tastings before the actual event, it is much more difficult than one would think to find a great combination. I was a little worried about the seminar, how can you educate people about something as subjective as taste? I was really pleased with the turn out, I have to say. We used 4 types of chocolate tasting squares: 3 of which were Michel Cluizel (72%, 65% and 50%) and my favorite, Amedei 70%. We had 4 types of wine that Ian chose after our trial tastings. They were a moscato di asti, a Banyoul, Jester Cab and Marietta Zin. My notes are illegible down towards the bottom, so I am going with my faulty memory! I think the biggest surprise pairing of the bunch was the Moscato and the 65%. People were pleased with the 50%/Moscato pairing until they tasted the 65%, it was what I am looking for a pairing to be; they blended harmoniously without taking anything away from either element. People always ask me when they are purchasing truffles, "what wine would go with this chocolate?" I always say that they are really at their best separately. I think to some degree that it may be easier to pair a truffle with the wine than it is the straight up chocolate, but it is still something you are going to have to play with to figure out. We have an amazing friend Paul who is a flavor savant and he recommended my coconut rum truffle with a Zin (I thought he had been drinking too much!) but it was an amazing combination. So, at the end of the day, there are amazing combinations to be had, but with plain chocolate it is a very hard thing. If you are willing to put in the work of methodically making combinations and taking notes ( a bit more detailed than mine), you may find something amazing, but it isn't as easy as saying, "oh, that's a dark chocolate, a cab will work." The absolute best pairing of the day: Jester Zin and chocolate chip cookies! Also, I think the best way to combine cab and chocolate is in a torte. I made one to show the difference in the taste, between the cooked and uncooked. It was the same chocolate and wine, just one in a little square and one in a flourless torte. Of course there were other elements to the torte that absolutely add to the combination, but that is my recommendation for a pairing.
The next event I am still cleaning up after! On saturday, June 20th, the hottest day of the year, I was at Let's Talk Wine again for one of their wine tastings. I was glad to be in the 64 degree shop that day, I think the heat index was up to 105 and I start getting crabby at about 80 degrees, chocolate or no chocolate! I brought along 13 different types of truffles and various bars. It was a rough week making the chocolates, not just because of the heat and humidity, but the kids were on their first week out of school. So, the block of time that I would normally have to work was interrupted every 1/2 hour or so with requests for food or for my referee services. I changed up the flavors a bit, didn't bring along some normal ones. There are so many great berries out right now, it was hard to choose. I thought with it being the day before Father's Day that I would try the more "manly" flavors; guinness, salty peanuts, rum. It was so nice to see my regulars, along with quite a few new people stopping in on their way to the Outer Banks. I love that people are not quite sure about some of my flavors, that I am surprising people, in a good way. Here is what I brought:
I am starting more chocolates tomorrow for a wedding reception, it is so nice to be included in such a big day! I am not sure what will come next. A chocolate and beer pairing seminar? A chocolate 101 series? Another wine tasting? I will let you know when I do, hopefully before it happens this time.
Go get your hands on some Amedei chuao bars or squares, they are well worth the effort of tracking them down!